Category: recording

  • Failure to Launch

    Failure to Launch

    You’ve got the equipment, you’ve got the auditions all lined up, you’re ready to go – you got this!

    BOOM! You get sidelined by an illness, financial woes, your mental health takes a beating, etc. The world is seemingly against you in starting your dream career as a voice actor.

    Anyone who’s faced life’s hurdles knows how difficult it is to gather the strength to keep on going. These past few weeks have been truly difficult for me. The medication I’m taking for diabetes completely wreaked havoc and was down sick for nearly a week, which then took a toll on my finances, which then delayed signing up for the P2P sites so I could start auditioning for VO jobs.

    What do you do to combat it? There’s nothing wrong with taking time to recuperate, but don’t stop your momentum! If you’re taking a break from recording, continue to read out loud. It could be scripts, newspapers, anything. Play around with accents, perspectives, silly voices, etc.

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  • DAW, Man!

    DAW, Man!

    Entering into the foray of voice acting, I am now saddled with the process of both recording and engineering my auditions. When it comes to editing a track, I am a self-proclaimed genius; however, I am not so great at engineering prowess. Trial and error is both my friend and my nemesis, more on the error, less on the trial.

    Recently in recording, I’m finding that even with the EQ and noise gate filters is properly set, the recording still sounds to hot, so the obvious culprit is the gain setting. I will be playing around with this setting for the next few recording sessions. It’s important to get the gain correct while your recording than trying to fix it in post.

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